Park uspomena

Cypress - the symbol of the Mediterranean

Slender and strong, exalted to heaven, it is a symbol of death, sorrow, and grief, it indicates a strong human thirst for life, for immortality and eternity.

Legend of the cypress

A deer grazed on the lawns inside the forest clearings. He was supervised by a young man of extraordinary beauty, the son of the gods, Kiparis. Kiparis led the deer to the pasture, and then, when he had eaten the green and soft grass, he took him to the waters of clear springs, and then into the shade to rest.

Then one day, when Kiparis was straining his bow, he inadvertently hit the deer with an arrow from which the deer died. The insurmountable pain overwhelmed Kiparis because of the death he inflicted, and he asked the gods to give his character an expression of eternal sorrow.

His request would be granted. And soon, after all the blood of Kiparis had flowed in waves of tears, his limbs began to turn green, his hair, which had just fallen down his snowy forehead, became ruffled, and, rising to the starry sky, began to raise its slender top. God sighed and sadly said, "I will shed tears for you, and you will shed tears over others, and you will be a companion of pain."